Here's to 2020 : let it be great ...

Here's to 2020 : let it be great ...

And so it’s now 2020 ! Wow ...a few years back that seemed so very very far away ...

and now it's here so Happy new year to you all x

Seems like yesterday it was my school holidays and they seemed to last forever . Now a year passes quicker than a lightening bolt ! I remember my Granny used to say the older you get , the quicker the years pass. How true is this now ?! 

Well the year 2019 could only be described as a challenging one .

I Lost my Dad in April 2019 , which was one of the hardest things i've ever had to deal with . Then it was the decision to give up my other business, The Wee Kitchen Company. Karen also left Clan Artisan and I wasn't quite sure whether to continue alone.

Emotionally draining ...all of it . 

But ...

Aren't all these curve balls we get thrown just life in general .. We all keep waiting on life getting easier ..or better.. but the challenges just keep coming , every single day . Some challenges are life changing and so difficult to deal with , and we need time to recover. Some are just a nuisance .

But some of these challenges really have to happen in order to clear the path for new beginnings . We just can't see that at the time . 

I know now that giving up my other business was the best thing for me ...It just took a little bit of time ( and a near emotional breakdown ) to realise .  

I can now concentrate on Clan Artisan and give it my best shot . I can help and support other small producers as I know how they feel .  I love finding these amazing new products and adding them into our beautiful gift boxes . I love people's reactions when they receive them . 2020 is going to be good . I'm thinking positively and want to be able to take life a little bit slower and enjoy the simpler things . My  Family . My friends and my dogs .. lots of walks appreciating the gorgeous countryside . Simple things . We need more of this nowadays . That’s part  of my plan for 2020 . 

I love quotes so I wanted to share some for 2020 .. 

let me know your thoughts if any of them resonate with you ..whats your own favourite quote ? 


'never regret a day in your life. Good days give you happiness & bad days give you experience'

'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter . Try again. Fail again . Fail better '

Samuel Beckett

'things didn't go wrong and break your heart so you become bitter and give up . They happen to break you down and build you up so you can be all that you were intended to be '

Charlie Jones

'a positive attitude can really make dreams come true- it did for me '

David Bailey

'a meaningful life is not being rich,being popular, being highly educated, or being perfect. Its about being real, being humble, being able to share ourselves and touch the lives of others '

I'm hoping 2020 is kind to us all ...and if 2020 isn't kind . We can all be kind to each other right ? 


ps that’s one of my daughters on the right  ( Leah ) who will probably want that pic removed ... teenagers 😆

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