International Women's Day - Clan Artisan

International Women's Day - Thursday 8th March

International Women's Day
Recent findings tell us that gender equality is still over 200 years away. How crazy is that? International Women's Day was first celebrated over 100 years ago in 1911 initiated by the Suffragettes. It celebrates all social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. It is not specific to a country, group or organisation. It belongs to all groups everywhere and collectively, all women can play a part and #pressforprogress.

Change So Far
The world has already witnessed a significant change in attitudes over the last 100 years, with some young people believing that gender equality already exists, however the reality is that women are still not paid equally to that of their male counterparts (in the UK women earn 14% less than men), are still not present in equal numbers in business or politics, and globally women's health, education, and violence against them is worse than that of men. We’re getting there, but there remains a looooooong road ahead. A UK poll showed that 48% of women believe their mothers are the most inspiring woman they know. At Clan Artisan, we hope to inspire our own daughters and show them they can achieve anything they put their mind to.  

Our Inspiring Women
Here are 3 of our most inspiring women...
1. Rosa Parks - In 1955 in the racially segregated state of Alabama, African-American Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger, therefore disobeying the bus driver's orders. This sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott which crippled the state capital's public transport system.
2. J.K. Rowling - Once a suicidal single mum living on benefits, she has sold millions of books worldwide and created one of the most well loved fictional characters of all time.
3. Malala Yousafzai - At the tender age of 17, Malala was awarded the Nobel Peace prize for her work as an activist for women's rights around the world after death threats from the Taliban and an assassination attempt in retaliation for her activism.

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